Rafter T Ranch
Florida Ranchlands Environmental Services Project
RCS completed the design of this pilot project for the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) and the World Wildlife Fund. The goal of the project was to evaluate the financial feasibility of paying ranchers to use portions of their land to store and attenuate excess stormwater runoff. Rafter T Ranch is a 5,200-acre cow/calf operation located in Highlands County, Florida.
Survey included detailed topographic survey, including existing top of bank, toe of slope, existing structures, cross sections, upstream, downstream, and center location. Surveying services also included sub-surface soil explorations and geotechnical assessments. Further surveying services included a Threatened and Endangered Species Survey, an Archeological Survey, and wetlands evaluations.
The project was designed to Natural Resources Conservation Service, SFWMD, and Florida Department of Transportation standards. The project allowed for up to 1,700 ac-ft of runoff to be stored in the minor impoundment and in low lying pasture areas.
- Design elements included:
- conveyance improvements,
- 7 control structures with diameters of up to 6 feet,
- a 125-acre minor impoundment with a top width of
15 feet, 3:1 side slopes, and a height of 6.5 feet, - a 900-foot long berm with a top width of 15 feet, 3:1 side slopes, and a height of 4 feet,
- a rebuilt farm access road,
- a new 24” axial flow diesel stormwater pump station,
- 2 modified pump stations, and
- levee rehabilitation
Permitting included obtaining an Environmental Resources Permit through the SFWMD. The project scope also included development of an Operations and Maintenance Manual, cost estimating, preparing bid documents, bidding services, and construction management.